Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sweet Williams (dianthus)

Along with sweet peas these are my favourite flowers as I always remember them being in the garden when I was growing up and they smell gorgeous.  They've actually finished now and been dug up but I made the most of them and had them as cut flowers in the house too.


First tomato!

Just to illustrate how long it's been since I took the photos - this tomato has now been eaten by Emma.

Chocolate cosmos

This was a present from Liz which she got the day we went to Gardeners World Live.  It really does smell of chocolate, especially when the sun is blaring on it :)



These gorgeous poppies again appeared of their own accord, and are huge!  I've stood Emma next to them so that you can see just how tall they are...


Rock rose (citrus)

This is the plant that we used to have outside the front window at Emerson Road and I've been trying for a while to find it again.  We put it in late last year and it has started flowering this year.

Each flower has petals like tissue paper and only lasts a day with the petals dropping off at sunset but there are loads of flowers and the display lasts for a good few weeks.  It's also evergreen so doesn't look too bad for the rest of the year.


Calla Lillies (zantedeschia)

These were not cheap to buy and will be a pain as they need to be dug up every winter in order to survive and put out again the following year.  I loved them though so hoping it will be worth it although I will avoid buying any more plants that require the same care in future.


New favourite tulip

Sorry these are late being posted but we've had to wait till we're up and running again with the iMac and reloaded the photos.

This was a totally unexpected tulip, we think there have been many plants in the ground that have been unable to grow while the borders have been so full and now that we've cleared them and dug them over they are free to 'do their thing' again :)


You won't believe this, but I have picked one this morning, twice the size, but Den has eaten it before I could take a piccy

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My first strawbelly flower


Bought this yesterday, had one last year and it flowered forever


French Lavender

This French Lavender is less hardy than traditional lavender so has to be in a pot to bring in to overwinter unless in a very sheltered spot.  I just love the petals which are supposed to look like butterflies, hence the variety being called 'Papillon' but I think they look more like rabbit ears..We've got it by the gravelled pond area and it should attract plenty of bees.  It just needs to be photographed....



The tulips have been out for a few weeks now and some are just coming to the end while some are still to flower.  These is the border with most of them in and a close up of each of my favourites two varieties...
